Tips for a Perfect Summer Wedding Either Inside or Outside
Your Perfect Summer Wedding Either Inside or Outside If you are going to have a summer wedding, it is time to kick your wedding planning into gear and start thinking about your options. Whether you choose to have your wedding indoors or outdoors, you can enjoy the weather and keep your guests happy without worrying about the sun or humidity. Below, we will go over some tips to help you when as you start the wedding planning process.
- Pick a Date as Soon as Possible
If you are going to have a summer wedding, it is time to kick your wedding planning into gear and start thinking about your options. Whether you choose to have your wedding indoors or outdoors, you can enjoy the weather and keep your guests happy without worrying about the sun or humidity. Below, we will go over some tips to help you when as you start the wedding planning process. - Hydration is a Must
Being outside in the summer can bring some difficulties along with it such as sweat and dehydration. To tackle dehydration, you should have a small table filled with water or other beverages that your guests can enjoy in case they get thirsty.
If you do not provide any type of hydration, you can expect your guests to be antsy and want to quickly get inside to the reception. If you need an idea, you could have your ushers pass out water as your guests approach the seating area. This way, everyone will receive a cold bottle of water and no one will be thirsty.
If your summer wedding will be indoors, you are likely going to want to take pictures outside and you should have a table ready with water outdoors in this instance. - Choose a Location with Picture Spots
You can capture many great photos when you are outside and the summer time will provide you with many opportunities to pose with nature. When you choose a location for your summer wedding, check out some of the photo opportunity spots to make sure you like them. Most locations will have a great spot or two, but if the location you choose does not have any great spots, then you may not like the way your pictures turn out.
In addition, you should explore both indoor and outdoor photo locations. It can get hot outside and focusing only on outdoor photos may not be the best option. You should try to break up the time between being inside for photos and outside for photos.
When you are performing wedding planning activities, make sure that you are always thinking about your guests, especially if you want to have a summer wedding outdoors. Heat can be dangerous if everyone becomes dehydrated, so make sure each one of your guests has an option for hydration.
If you need help with your wedding planning, contact the professional team at En Ville Catering today.